
北京GONME用户组的俞莲苏女士在全球众多竞争者中脱颖而出, 被选为2011年的GNOME女性拓展计划的实习生。


拓展计划有些类似”Google Summer of code”,它自2005年开始已经成为世界上最重要的IT实习生的计划方案。GONME拓展计划提供了类似于”Google Summer of code”的5000美元。不过不同与GSoc, 它更多地关注与鼓励女性的参与。

2011年,有8个女实习生被这个拓展计划所接受,除在”Google Summer of code”的7个女实习生将继续参与GONME工作外,俞莲苏是唯一的一个来自亚洲的实习生。


俞莲苏先前为北京GONME用户组做过组织项目,对7个公开的资源计划方案例如建立一个网站”News RSS Ticker”做出贡献。在她即将来临的实习生活期间,她将继续为GONME 做视觉识别体系和网站设计方面的工作。

和她的实习同伴们一起,俞莲苏已被邀请在即将到来的Desktop Summit – GNOME与KDE携手举办的桌面峰会上作演讲, 该会议也是GNOME每年中最重要的盛会。GNOME基金会为她此次德国之行提供了补助金。

Congratulations to our member Yu Liansu for joining GNOME Outreach Program for Women Internships

Ms. Yu Liansu (blog, personal website) of the Beijing GNOME User Group has been selected by the GNOME Foundation to join the 2011 Outreach Program for Women Internships.

The GNOME Foundation has been offering annual global internships through its Outreach Program since 2006. In past years, student interns have made various contributions to the GNOME Project, including documentation, graphical design and software development.

The Outreach Program runs parallel to “Google Summer of Code” project, which has been the world’s most significant IT internship student program since its launch in 2005. The GNOME Outreach Program offers a similar stipend of 5,000USD as “Google Summer of Code”, although it focuses more on encouraging the participation of women.

In 2011,eight female interns were accepted by the Outreach Program, in addition to seven female student interns at Google Summer Summer of Code program who will work on the GNOME project. Yu Liansu is the only intern from Asia.

Beijing GNOME User Group has been actively organizing events, presentations and doing advocacy of GNOME Project. Beijing GNOME User Group have a special focus on International co-operation and thus we are especially happy about the news of our member being selected as Outreach Program intern.

Yu Liansu has previously worked for the Beijing GNOME User group event organization and has contributed to several open source projects such as building a website for “News RSS Ticker”. During her upcoming internship she will work on GNOME visual identity and web pages.

Along with her fellow interns,Yu Liansu has been invited to give a speech at the upcoming 2011 GNOME Summit in Germany, the most significant annual event of the GNOME Project. The GNOME Foundation kindly offered subsidy for her to travel to Germany.

An optional photo attached to this email. Having the photo is a bit helpful for her to get recognized for job applications. The link to her blog adds weight to her blog website in SEO.

GNOME 3 install-fest, Beijing

GNOME3在北京的install-fest于昨日(15 Jun )在Novell办公室举办。此次活动由bjgug的白清杰主持,并由Novell的李彬为大家介绍在OpenSuse11.4上运行GNOME3的新特 性及操作方法,由孙妍提供现场的技术支持。

我们期待GNOME3已经很久了,而GNOME3也以很fashion的面孔展示在我们面前。包括它的Activities, Search, Workspaces, Switching, Maximizing and tiling, Dash. (我因为不懂技术,只知道这些:)


2. 桌面上空间利用问题。左侧和上方的留白,让人总想把它利用起来,尤其是在显示屏越小的时候。

另外,听Amily说这次GNOME3的光盘在过中国安检时遇到很麻烦的问题,幸好有Novell的人帮忙。还有,这次发到中国的光盘共是2千张,可见中国 很多地区都在用GNOME呢。

最后感谢Novell提供场地和人员的支持,其中有几位Novell的工作师同时也是GNOME的开发者。感谢所有在场的参与者,他们包括:徐亮 Aron.xu,刚刚高中毕业的他目前在做GNOME的汉化,也是Debian的开发人员。负责Ubuntu中文化的陈悦,英语系的她从大一就开 始为社区做贡献。还有一个政府部门的开源爱好者,会上提了很多问题,对GNOME很热心。

北京GNOME用户组6月份活动 – GNOME 3 Install-fest


我们将在Novell公司组织Gnome 3 的install-fest。欢迎各位爱好者们参加!


  • 7:00 – 7:30 Warm up, introduction, get DVDs from front desk
  • 7:30 – 8:00 Introduce GNOME 3 on OpenSuse – Bin Li
  • 8:00 – 9:00 Installation
    Hands-on-Lab, how to write a “hello world ” GNOME shell plugin
  • 9:00 – 9:30 Q&A, free discussion
  • 活动报名: 见下方表单
  • 活动时间: 6月15日晚上7:00-9:30
  • 活动地点: 北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号 北京财富中心写字楼3603室
