


时间:5月13号晚7点 (Tuesday the 13th of May at 19:00)

地点:Jazz Island Coffee,东城区东直门内大街东扬威街11号楼(近来福士大厦)

地铁可从东直门A口出,详见 地图

如想了解更多关于GNOME.Asia峰会,请随时关注 http://2014.gnome.asia

For this Meeting we are inviting the Beijing Linux User Group to join us! So I paste the blug’s info here, 🙂

Emily will talk about the Gnome.Asia conference which is again in Beijing this year.
It is our hope that Gnome users will join us also for future meetings. Since Gnome and Linux are very closely connected there is a lot of overlap in the interests of both groups, and most topics will be interesting to all of us.

The Location will be again in Dongzhimen at the Jazz Island Coffee.