11月18日将是BGUG一周年。 我们打算以聚会形式来庆祝一周年。 初步想法是找个适合聚会的酒吧或者轻松点的场所,大家聚聚。 在这里征求大家的建议和想法, 有什么好的地方推荐一下。
1。 酒吧或水吧
2。 自助餐吧
3。 KTV
4。 公司赞助场地
5。 其他
活动为 AA制, 到时候会定制一个蛋糕,
11月18日将是BGUG一周年。 我们打算以聚会形式来庆祝一周年。 初步想法是找个适合聚会的酒吧或者轻松点的场所,大家聚聚。 在这里征求大家的建议和想法, 有什么好的地方推荐一下。
1。 酒吧或水吧
2。 自助餐吧
3。 KTV
4。 公司赞助场地
5。 其他
活动为 AA制, 到时候会定制一个蛋糕,
北京GNOME用户组将会携手北京Google 技术用户组 (GTUG) 联合举办,第十二次会议将于10月21日在Google中国召开,
如果您计划出席,请于2009年10月19日(星 期一)中午1点之前,在以下网址注册登记,
活动时间 (Time) : 2009 年10月21 日(星期三 19 :00——21 :30 )
活动地点 (Venue) : 北京市海淀区中关村东路1号院清华科技园6号楼科建大厦,
7:00pm – 8:20pm 主题一: Introduction to Chromium project — 苏哲
8:30pm – 9:30pm 主题二: Google Summer of Code & GNOME – 张森
演讲嘉宾一: 苏哲
就职于 Google 北京,软件工程师,致力于开源软件的开发和推广。
James Su Software Engineer at Google Beijing, dedicates to develop and promote open source software.
介绍Chromium, 关于Chromium, 请看网站: http://code.google.com/
演讲嘉宾二: 张森
北航大四学生,从 2007 年开始使用 Linux。向 gnome 贡献一些代码, 主
要接触 gnome-games。Google Summer of Code 2009 学生, 项目有关于
gnome-games 和 telepathy。Foresight Linux [0] 开发者,做一些跟 GNOME 或
中文有关的包。维护 Gnome Developer Kit [1]。现在 SUN 中国工程研究院做实
习生,参与 solaris 的驱动开发。主要编程语言包括 python/c/shell。
Zhang Sen (aka. Jesse), senior year undergraduate of Beihang University.
My experience with Linux started from 2007. I contribute code to GNOME,
in particular gnome-games. I am a Google Summer of Code 2009 student
with GNOME, working on gnome-games and telepathy. I am a Foresight Linux
[0] developer, maintaining some GNOME packages and Chinese-specific
packages. I maintain the GNOME Developer Kit [1]. Now I am an intern at
SUN Engineer and Research Institute, working on Solaris drivers. The
languages I use mostly are Python/C/shell.
我的演讲内容是关于我的 summer of code [2] 项目,我会讲一下 GSoC 的大体情
况(假设听众不太熟悉 GSoC),为什么做 GSoC,为什么做 GNOME 的项目,大体介
绍下项目涉及的技术(i.e. Telepathy [3]),做 GSoC 的感受。我也会谈一下如何
加入 GNOME 的社区以及如何参与 GSoC 。
My topic is about my summer of code project [2]. I will talk about how
GSoC is like, why you want to take part in GSoC and why with GNOME.
There will also be some talk about the technology involved, i.e.
telepathy [3]. Then I want to share with you how I feel about GSoC, how
you can join GNOME’s community and how to participate in GSoC.
[0] http://www.foresightlinux.org/
[1] http://live.gnome.org/
[2] http://live.gnome.org/
[3] http://telepathy.freedesktop.
北京GNOME用户组第十一次会议/The 11st BeijingGUG Meeting 09/16/2009
北京GNOME用户组第十一次会议将于9月16日在Novell北京办公室召开, 地址为: 北京财富中心写字楼A座 3606 (金台西照出口) 地图
活动时间 (Time) : 2009 年9 月16 日(星期三 19 :00——21 :30 )
活动地点 (Venue) : Novell办公室, 北京财富中心写字楼A座 3606 (金台西照出口) 地图
7:00pm – 8:20pm 主题一: Gnome Developer Edition — Alex Lau
8:30pm – 9:30pm 主题二: General GNOME Environment — Mingxi Wu
Alex Lau 刘俊贤,网名AvengerMoJo,笔名复仇公子。
“I will talk about a project I wanted to start for a long time, but never get the people and time to do it. The Gnome Developer Edition, meanwhile I will introduce this project with all the existing tool in handle and what is the possible solution and roadmap, encourage more people to join this project and enhance our Gnome’s Developer Contribution.
1) BuildService from openSUSE.
2) Kiwi relate to this BuildService
3) SUSE Studio.
I’m not going to in depth talk about all the technology above but really a summary to use the above tools to create a distribution which is mainly for China’s Gnome Developer Newbei or expert and increase our visibility and development.”
Mingxi Wu 吴明玺。Novell 软件工程师,主要负责GNOME桌面的bug fix。Mingxi大约有4年的Linux使用经验,
My topic is <General GNOME Envrionment> including :
1. Personal understanding of GNOME.
2. Introduce some core components of GNOME, and how they work together.
3. Development in GNOME.
这次活动组织了三个题目,分别是 :
GNOME3.0 预览--霍海涛
红山客户端虚拟化介绍 --张玉昆& 田思源
开源游戏系列之 – X-moto -- 杜伟
活动开始前是例行的自我介绍,在大家的自我介绍中,发现很多人对gnome 3.0非常感兴趣。这次来了两个比较特殊的听众,
如果您计划出席,请于2009年8月18日(星 期二)中午1点之前,在以下网址注册登记,
活动时间 (Time) : 2009 年8 月19 日(星期三 19 :00 - 22:00 )
活动地点 (Venue) :北京市海淀区中关村东路1号院清华科技园6号楼科建大厦,
7:00pm – 8:00pm : GNOME3.0 预览--霍海涛
8:05pm – 9:00pm : 红山客户端虚拟化介绍 --张玉昆& 田思源
9:10pm – 10:00pm : 开源游戏系列之 – X-moto -- V
话题一:GNOME3.0 预览
演讲嘉宾 (Speakers) :霍海涛
HaiTao Huo (Halton) brained his Computer Science & Engineering MS degree
from BeiHang University in 2005. He is currently the software engineer
of Desktop Group, Sun China Engineering & Research Institute. He is
responsible for developing and maintain of VNC, printing, Mobile/PDA
synchronization related softwares. He is now working on ConsoleKit and
GDM rewrite, and developing GnomeShell.
从2008年初,GNOME社区开始考虑GNOME 3.0的设计与开发。GNOME 3.0主要致力于
3.0新的特性,其次介绍我们如何更好的加入GNOME的开发团队, 最后介绍一下2009
Since beginning of 2008, GNOME community was considering design and
developing of GNOME 3.0. There are three main areas to focus for GNOME
3.0: Revamp our User Experience, Streamlining of the Platform and
Promotion of GNOME. Firstly, I'd like to introduce the new features for
GNOME 3.0. Then, I'll offer some advices to join the developing team.
Thirdly, I will talk about something about Gran Canaria Desktop Summit,
话题二: 红山客户端虚拟化介绍
演讲嘉宾 (Speakers) :张玉昆& 田思源
Yukun Zhang, CEO,Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications of electronic equipment, computer communications professional degree; Served for Motorola, Sun as senior engineer;Have successfully completed the framework of Solaris IPv6 firewall, Solaris network virtualization; Ten years of computer system basic software development and three years of software development team and project management experience.
田思源, 北京交通大学软件工程硕士。
Siyuan Tian, Beijing Jiaotiong Univ. Master degree, Software Engineering,United Nation Unov. Network System Administrator, SUN, Sr. Engineer,IBM, Manager of Software Engineering, EGTC, VP
虚拟化用软件来模拟计算机,这个模拟的计算机称为虚拟机(VM),VM 可以象物理的计算机一样运行 Linux、
Windows 等操作系统。VMM可以在一个计算机上同时模拟出多个计算机从而同时运行多个 操作系统。服务器虚拟化
-- 将多种服务器应用整合到一台物理服务器上(Server Consolidation)。有效提高设备利用率,降低IT成本。
桌面虚拟化 -- 桌面系统(主要是Windows)运行在虚拟机上,提供更好的桌面安全管理以及降低成本。 寄宿的桌
话题三:开源游戏系列之 – X-moto
演讲嘉宾 (Speakers) :杜伟
Du wei, open source technique fan.
Graduated form college of Aerospace Engineer, NUAA (Nanjing University
of Aeronautics and Astronautics),Majored in Aircraft Design
Engineering. Involved in open source since year of 2005. Joined in the
firefox extension and help document localization. After the first
Gnome Asia Summit in 2008, as a core member of Beijing Gnome User
Group, take charge of user group website building and maintenance, and
help for the organization of every monthly meetings. Favorite Maxim - "The Truth Is out There"
同样包括以地图形式呈现的有趣的益智环节。另外,这款游戏基于同样是开源的ODE(Open Dynamics Engine)
物理引擎。这导致了极高的可玩性和丰富的不确定性。 这次的主题演讲将打破传统形式, 先以简短的demo形式向
大家展示X-moto的游戏界面和操作方法, 之后很大一部分时间给大家讨论和交流, 最后如果时间允许的话欢迎大
X-moto is a complete open source 2D simulation game of special motor.
The "Special" means that it is not only a game target of level passed
and speed sport, but also include the puzzles by interesting maps.
The game was based on famous Physical engine - ODE(Open Dynamics
Engine), which bring the high playability and randomicity.
The presentation will not be performed by traditional way. It will
begin with short demo intend to show the basic UI and control method.
After that, most of time will be used for discussion and
communication, and try to playing if we still have plenty of times.
Hope we will find some motor experts in open source circle!
继续加油。希望GNOMEusergroup越来越好。 PS:gnome能不能该名成 gnome中国啊?